8 sept 2007

"Calling you" . Jevetta Steele- Obuaro 103

Esta es la canción de la película Bagdad Café, esa que cada vez que la oyes te traslada a ese desierto nowhere, con la maleta en la mano y el alma lleno de soledades y vacio de esperanzas. Te pone en camino, on the road.

Calling you
by Jevetta Steele

Desert road from Vegas to nowhere
Someplace better than where you've been
A coffee machine that needs some fixing
In a little cafe just around the bend
I am calling you
Can't you hear me
I am calling you
Hot dry wind blows right through me
Baby's crying and I can't sleep
But we both know a change is coming
It's coming closer
Sweet release
I am calling you
I know you hear me
I am calling you
I am calling you
I know you hear me
I am calling you
Desert road from Vegas to nowhere
Someplace better than where you've been
A coffee machine that needs some fixing
In a little cafe just around the bend
Hot dry wind blows right through me
Baby's crying and I can't sleep
And I can feel a change is coming
coming closer Sweet release
I am calling you
Can't you hear me
I am calling you

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